Welcome to Your New Life
The Life Path is designed to guide you through your journey to  become acclimated to the church.
Your walk with Christ begins with being in his presence. That means showing up for services. Attending Sunday morning service is a great start, but as you grow in God you'll need more. Aim to attend Sunday evening and Wednesday night services.
Commit to joining in corporate prayer through with our many prayer opportunities. For even more time with God, check out all the prayer opportunities.
Find your connection within the body. Whether it's a Ladies All of Me or Men's Zoom Prayer, Singles outing or Couples date night or youth event, there's a place for you.
Check out the events calendar to connect at the next event or download the NLT App to join the conversation in our groups.

Ministry involvement is at the core of our mission because the heartbeat of ministry is centered on reaching souls and making meaningful connections. You are important part of  contributing to this mission. This is why we have established various tiers or levels of involvement based on where you are in your journey along the Life Path.
Discovery Class
The Discovery class is a wonderful chance for you to get formally introduced to New Life Family . During this 3-week class, you’ll meet the leaders, learn about NLT history, beliefs, values, mission, vision, and so much more.
Explore Classes
The Explore classes take place in 3 segments and are designed to help you grow closer to God, explore Christian values, and discover your purpose. As you complete the lessons, you'll have the opportunity to get more involved in ministry and continue your spiritual journey.


Impact the World

Now you are ready to fully immerse yourself in the New Life experience through ministry involvement.

This includes serving at all levels, teaching Bible Studies and even enrolling in Florida Apostolic Bible Center.