God has graciously given to us and we give back a portion to Him as a sign of faith and obedience to His word. He has asked us to give a tenth of our increase and offering. He has called us to spread the gospel and make disciples. Your generous gifts help those searching for hope and purpose find God.

Give Now
Ways To Give
24 hour/7days a week. Use our online giving portal to support the work of the Kingdom. Conveniently give anytime day or night. You can even opt to contribute on a consistent basis.
In App
Use our online giving portal via the New Life App to support the work of the Kingdom. Conveniently give anytime day or night.
Text to Give
Text keyword "Give6912" to 1-888-364-4483 to begin the giving process.
In Person
Whether during a service or if you drop by the office during the week, you can give cash, check or by credit debit cards.
By Mail
Mail Your Check or Money Order Payable to
New Life Tabernacle
6912 Williams Road
Seffner, FL 33584
New Life Tabernacle
6912 Williams Road
Seffner, FL 33584
Frequently Asked Questions
Our electronic giving is simple and easy to use. We get a few common questions.
Do I have to download the app to give?
You can give directly online without having to download the app.
Is there a fee for giving?
New Life never charges fees for making contributions. The church pays fees for every electronic transaction by our processing company. You can opt to cover the fees if you desire. Fees are lower when you login to your account. Connecting a bank account drops fees significantly as well.
Is an account required to give?
Opening an account allows you to track your own giving, print statements, connect payment methods and lowers fees. However, if you do not want to open an account, it is not required.
The same account used for giving is connected to receiving communication, joining groups etc at New Life.
The same account used for giving is connected to receiving communication, joining groups etc at New Life.
Is my household giving connected?
When you open an account, giving is tracked via the person logged in submitting funds. Each household member should have a separate account. You will simply need to print both statements at the end of the year. Connecting household members does not merge family giving. Children and youth may open separate accounts as well--they will simply need an email address.